Whether you are celebrating a high school graduation, a birthday, anniversary, or even a wedding, there are some great ways to put together a Drive Through version of the celebration. At CaterRent, we love to learn from our customers what worked well for them, and now we would like to share these tips with you.

Make Party Directions Clear
Starting with the invitation, whether paper or online, map out for your guests how to drive through the event. Having one’s vehicle facing the right direction to join the “parade” is important. Include a driving map if you can. If you expect the line of cars to get lengthy at times, provide some roadside signs along the way so that people understand where to wait, and non-guests on the same street know what is happening. You can fill the signs with “fun facts” about the guest of honor, photos large enough to see from the car window, or information about the party itself. Staked signs, or even better, Sandwich Boards are a great way to communicate with people as they are in their cars approaching the party. If food or beverages are being given through a car window, include menu information on the sign so that the person serving the food/beverage does not need to repeat the same menu speech over and over, as that may hold up the line while people make their decisions.
Menu and Eating Arrangements

If serving food and offering choices, keep things simple. Most open house guests do not expect a custom meal. But if choices are offered, consider the following menu scenario: If this menu card with check boxes is provided when the car joins the line, the server putting the to-go containers together has a simple checklist for each vehicle. If some folks REALLY wish to linger at the event, or perhaps they have come from some distance and do not care to eat in their vehicle or let food get cold on the trip home, consider placing cocktail tables around the yard. Cocktail tables accommodate 2-3 people so that social distancing happens by design. If guests choose to do this, have a designated parking area so that your drive through line continues to flow smoothly.
The Guest(s) of Honor
The honored guest(s) should have a comfortable post where the drive through line forms. Director’s chairs next to a high top cocktail table works well for a station. The chair helps combat fatigue. The table can hold refreshments for the honoree(s) as well as a card box to gather gifts and well wishes.
If the weather is chilly, you may also consider a patio heater to keep the honoree comfortable.
If the weather is hot, you may also consider a pedestal fan for a light breeze.
Watch How You Can Make Your Drive Through Party a Success
See How CaterRent can make your Drive Through Party Successful. Click here.
Other items from the video are: Ice Cream Cart. Chafing Dish. Cambro Pan Carrier.
We love to hear from you!
If you tried these ideas or have some of your own, we would love to hear from you!
Feeling overwhelmed? Call us at 612-588-1188. We’ll help you plan your event!.